Pima Natural Resource Conservation District

Pima Center For Conservation Education, Inc.

2.14 Million Acres of Soil and Water Conservation in Eastern Pima County, Arizona

Our Mission

as defined by the Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S. §37-1001):


  • Restoration and conservation of lands, water and soil resources
  • Preservation of Water Rights
  • Control and prevention of soil erosion
  • Public Education


  • Conserve Natural Resources
  • Conserve Wildlife
  • Protect the Tax Base
  • Protect private, State and federal lands
  • Protect and Restore the State’s Rivers, Streams and associated Riparian Habitats
  • Including livestock, fish and wildlife dependent on those habitats


  • Public Health
  • Public Safety
  • General Public Welfare
Quail Drinking from Water

About Us

In 1942, the Arizona State Legislature created the Natural Resource Conservation Districts, including the Pima Natural Resource Conservation District. Presently, Arizona has 31 Districts. The Districts continue to be governed under Chapter 6 of Title 37 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. The State of Arizona now also recognizes 10 Tribal Soil and Water Conservation Districts.

The Pima Natural Resource Conservation  District (District or Pima NRCD)  is structured as a local unit of Arizona government. It is presently funded by the Arizona State Legislature through the Arizona State Lands Natural Resources Division. The District may also accept private donations. The District’s Board of Supervisors consists of three elected and two Governor-appointed Supervisors. The expertise of the Pima NRCD and all other Natural Resource Conservation Districts in Arizona is recognized by Arizona statute 37-1054 (A) as follows:

“This state recognizes the special expertise of the districts in the fields of land, soil, water and natural resources management within the boundaries of the district.”

The District works together with and represents “cooperators,” who are persons having natural resources under their control and who have each voluntarily signed an agreement to pursue soil and water conservation efforts in cooperation with the District.

Click here to view a map of land ownership within the Pima NRCD 

    Next Meeting: 

    Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at  1:00 PM.

    Optional BYO Brown bag lunch at noon

    NRCS Plant Materials Center Conference Room (west adobe building, north door)
    3241 North Romero Road
    Tucson, Arizona 85705

    For the latest information, click here.

    On the Agenda:

    • Approve invoices for payment  (supervisors, association dues)
    • Approve meeting minutes of October 24, 2024
    • Rancho Seco Project update
    • Palo Alto Ranch Erosion  Control Workshop follow-up
    • Consider proposals for new conservation projects, if received (please send proposals to clerk@pimanrcd.org no later than January 18 – or bring to present at meeting)
    • Update and discussion of AVCA proposal for four Range Resiliency educational workshops/ sign MOU to release previously approved funding to AVCA

    Become a Cooperator

    Why become a Pima NRCD District Cooperator?  As a local unit of Arizona government, a Natural Resource Conservation District has the unique legal authority to coordinate with individual landowners and with other units of government at the local, state, and federal level to resolve resource management issues.  Coordination occurs as equal partners.  Federal laws including the National Environmental Policy Act and the Federal Land Planning and Management Act require federal agencies to coordinate with local units of government.

    “District Cooperator” means any person who has entered into a cooperative agreement with the District for the purpose of protecting, conserving and practicing wise use of the natural resources under his or her control (A.R.S. ‘ 37-1003).

    A District cooperator who resides within the District boundaries and is registered to vote in the State of Arizona

    a) may vote in biennial Pima NRCD District Supervisor elections,

    b) is eligible to run for a Pima NRCD Supervisor office, or

    c) is eligible for appointment to the office of Pima NRCD Supervisor.

    To become a District cooperator, download and complete the Pima NRCD Cooperative Agreement, sign it and either mail it to:

    Pima NRCD
    3241 N. Romero Rd
    Tucson, AZ 85705


    email it to Pima NRCD at clerk@pimanrcd.org

    Perennial grasses re-establish behind a semicircular one-rock dam called a media-luna. The dam slows sheet flooding, reduces soil erosion, and prevents gullying.

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    Contact Us

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    3241 North Romero Road
    Tucson, Arizona 85705