The following resolution was passed by the Pima Natural Resource Conservation District (Pima NRCD or District) Board of Supervisors on April 22, 2021.
Within eight days after passing the resolution, the District learned the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designated an additional approximately 23,000 acres within the District as critical habitat for the Distinct Population Segment of the Western Yellow-billed cuckoo and approximately 2,000 acres of land within the District as critical habitat for the Northern Mexican garter snake. These two new regulations further restricting approximately 25,000 acres of land within the District are therefore additional to the vast acreages of conservation land restrictions mentioned in the resolution.
Resolution 2021.04.22 Opposing the Federal Government’s “30X30” Land Preservation Goal
Proof of electronic submission in formal comment to USDA– Comment Tracking Number ko4-nqs9-vuzq
Exhibit A. District Location Map; and Map of Surface Management Responsibilities
Exhibit B. Map of Jaguar Critical Habitat within the District
Exhibit C1. Map of Pima County Conservation Reserve Parcels Within the District
Exhibit D. Project Area of Altar Valley Conservation Alliance